
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Obama Strikes Heisman Pose For Air Force Academy

(ABC) The U.S. Air Force Academy football team put the commander-in-chief on the spot today during an East Room ceremony, presenting President Obama with a game ball and jersey — and the request that he strike the Heisman pose.
Obama did not disappoint, cradling the football with his right hand and thrusting out his left arm to mimic the iconic figure on the prestigious Heisman Trophy.
The Trophy is awarded annually to the best player in college football. It’s bronze figure was crafted by sculptor Frank Eliscu and modeled after 1934 NYU star Ed Smith.
Earlier, Obama presented the Fighting Falcons with the Commander-in-Chief Trophy — the team’s second straight and record 18th overall.  The award is given each season to the top military collegiate team– Navy, Army or Air Force.
“I have no higher privilege and no greater honor than serving as your commander-in-chief, and I look forward to joining you for that important ceremony,” Obama said of the Academy’s commencement which he’ll speak at next month.
“Today, we honor the success that these outstanding young men had on the playing field.  And we look forward to their continuing excellence on behalf of the nation.  And, cadets, as you look to trade the proud uniform of your team for the proud uniform of your country, I want you to know that this country will stand by you and do everything possible to help you succeed and come home safe.”

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